Tuesday, November 27, 2007

some TrIckY puzzles

1.Boston United's latest player lives on the 13th floor of a tower block. Every morning he takes the lift down to the ground floor and leaves the building. When he returns home in the evening, if there is someone else in the lift or it's raining he goes straight back to his floor directly. However, if there is nobody else in the lift or it hasn't rained he goes up to the 10th floor and walks up the remaining three flights of stairs. He hates walking up stairs so why does he do it?

2.There are 2 identical strings. If you light one of the strings at its end, it will take exactly one hour for it to finish burning completely. The string will not burn evenly - it is thicker in some places, thinner in others. For example, the string may not be half consumed exactly 30 minutes from lighting it at one end. You have no other means of telling time, and you want to know when exactly 45 minutes have passed. All that you have is a lighter and these 2 identical strings. What is the most accurate method you can use, given these conditions?

3.A water lily growing in a circular pond doubles in size every day. It takes thirty days to cover the whole pond. How long does it take to cover half the pond?

Needs a Strong Logic

There was a good job going in the office and the boss could not decide which of the three candidates should have it, each of them being worthy of it and all of them very bright indeed. So he set them a problem and the one who solved it would get the job. He showed them five discs, three black and two white and said: ?I?m going to put a disc on the forehead of each of you. You will be able to see the others discs but not your own. There will be no talking. By pure deduction you will have to work out what colour disc you have, and the one who does so gets the job.? He withheld the two white discs and put a black one on each of them. After a time one of the men stepped forward and successfully claimed the job. How did he figure out that he had a black disc on?


1001 A- N- : 1001 Arabian Nights
366 D- in a L- Y- : 366 Days in a Leap Year

1.11 P- in a F- T-
2.64 S- on a C- B-
3.20 N- on a D- B-
4.26 L- of the A-
5.88 P- K-
6.49=S- S-
7.60 M- in an H-
8.24 H- in a D-
9.11 P- in a F- T-
10.64 S- on a C- B-
11.20 N- on a D- B-
12.26 L- of the A-
13.88 P- K-
14.49=S- S-
15.60 M- in an H-


1.What is the next letter in the following sequences.
W I T N L I T F ? (Clue - look up!)
2.Looking back on it, this series makes perfect sense.
8 65 293 4472 80291 ?
3.Timing is everything, & this is true every day of the week.
6 6 7 9 8 6 ?
4.A B D O P ? (Clue - this one's not about football)
5.It’s not the numbers which always makes sequence, sometimes alphabets also do
10, 9,60,90,70,?
6. I suppose I should start by saying hello.
23 5 12 3 15 13 ?
7. My primary objective is cumulative multiplication. I know, it's an odd objective.
3 10 21 44 65 102 ?
8.sometimes numbers are no more than they appear to be.
3 3 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 ?
9.At this point, I'm afraid you will accuse me of being fractious.
5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 ?
10.If you have double vision, sometimes things appear unbalanced.
31 53 97 275 451 ?
11.Occasionally things are presented to us in an unusual, yet completely logical order.
2 5 12 23 30 17 8 ?